Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Some of you have expressed an interest in this teaching and joining the monthly circle that meets to practice it.

The teaching will be offered on Sun Oct 19.

I'm writing to invite you to a full day of shamanic journeying in preparation for BECOMING THE MEDICINE, based on Sandra Ingerman’s MEDICINE FOR THE EARTH: HOW TO TRANSFORM PERSONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS.
Over the last few years this approach to healing has consistently shown it’s potential to reverse environmental pollution in water. And.....We are mostly water. The work of Japanese researcher and photographer, Masaru Emoto is illustrative of the possibilities. And…..the impact of the work on humans has been sufficient to interest the University of Michigan Medical School. They began researching its effectiveness with a population who have cardiovascular conditions in a study which commenced in February, 2005, and the preliminary results are very positive.

Sandra Ingerman was invited to present the work to a group at the United Nations in July, 2006.

If you want to consider this teaching, to prepare yourself for the process, it’s helpful to look at Sandra Ingerman’s book, "Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins."

Additional information can be found at

Once you’ve been initiated into the work, depending on your situation at any given time, you can come out to offer healing or to receive healing, at ongoing monthly gatherings. The cost for these gatherings for healing, journey work and research purposes is $10.00.

Sandra, who developed and pioneered this work, has been in my life as a teacher since 1996, and I’ve been involved in the Medicine for the Earth work with her since before her book about it was published in 2000. In that year Sandra invited me to join an international alliance of teachers she is building to bring the work to the communities we live in.

The cost for the orientation is $100.00.

The time is 10:00am to 6:00pm.

The location is Toronto.

Please give this your consideration, and if you’d like to know more, or to register, you’re welcome to contact me at 416 536 7424 or . Have a look closer to the end of this message for additional details.

The teaching can also be arranged for your particular circle of friends, or colleagues or practitioners, in Toronto or elsewhere.

Additional information about my other shamanic healing and teaching work is available at .

I look forward to hearing from you when the time is right.

Choose Hope,


Jeannette McCullough

Registered Nurse

Shamanic Practitioner and Educator

Learn daily personal spiritual practices as well as ceremonies you can perform in a community to reverse personal and environmental toxins.

The earth gives us life.

Air gives us life.

Water gives us life.

The sun gives us life.

As within, so without:

Our health and the health of the planet are one.

You will learn:

*simple personal practices and community ceremonies to transmute toxins

*how to embody your own divinity on a cellular level: Who you become, not what you do, heals the world!

*how to bring forth the light from within to create health for yourself, for others and for the planet

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