Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Spiritual Being

“You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience.”

Monday, July 13, 2009

Erik Davis now on Progressive Radio... Check it out.

I received an email from Erik Davis today, informing me of his new show on this network. Worth checking out!!!
Also see Erik's web site for more goodies...:

Erik's message:
I know things have been a bit quiet on the Techgnosis front lately, but here is an official announcement of my new weekly radio show, Expanding Mind, which will be streaming live (and archived) at the Progressive Radio Network starting this Thursday, July 16th, at 2pm EST and 11am Pacific time.

For those who appreciate ahead of the curve entertainment…

This weekly hour-long radio show hosted by award winning author, lecturer and San Francisco native Erik Davis explores the many dimensions of mind and consciousness. From meditation to parapsychology, from the effects of art and technology on our souls to the abiding mysteries of religion and spirituality, the show’s discussions are designed to expand our understanding and experience of ourselves while casting a critical and often humorous eye on the twists and turns that consciousness takes as it tries to make sense of itself and the world.

Progressive Radio Network is an internet radio station driven by passion and that includes our listeners whose feedback we value; after all, this is radio for the proactive thinker.

Thanks for your ongoing support!

Tune into a hour of mind-blowing galactic chat about consciousness, technology, and spirituality.

And please consider calling in your comments and questions! 888-873-4643.



Sunday, June 21, 2009

MUSIC IS MEDICINE: Sacred Singing, Healing Harmonies.

Please consider registering for this unique experience with Don Hill.

$225 dollars (GST included); early bird $150 (before 30 June 2009).
The workshop enrollment is limited to twelve participants.
Advance registration required with

MUSIC IS MEDICINE: Sacred Singing, Healing Harmonies.

Modern neuroscience is affirming what vocalists and shamans have known
for years: Singing is healthy for you; and specific vocal styles that
play on 'harmonic overtones' stimulate the sense of well-being.

Harmonic overtones are embedded within sacred choral music performed

In this introductory workshop, you will hear and learn how Tibetan
monks, Gregorian chanters and Mongolian overtone singers create the
powerful healing and meditative qualities associated with ritual
chanting and overtone harmonics.

A complementary instructional DVD is bundled with the workshop.

Don Hill is a former host of Tapestry on CBC Radio One. His one-hour
television documentary, Chants Encounter profiled harmonic overtone
singers from around the world.

The two-day course has been taught to clinical therapists, hospital
and palliative care workers, musicians and contemplatives of every sort.

"Excellent instructor, a fountain of knowledge," wrote one evaluator.
"Don Hill is top notch!" Course participants have also written, "he
delivers the content clearly and in a stimulating fashion.” Overall
the course is “very inspiring."

The introductory workshop will be held in MONTREAL: Friday 10 JULY
(beginning at 7 PM) and all day Saturday 11 JULY at 5706 Queen Mary
Road (Hampstead). Six positions still open.

In EDMONTON: Friday 21 AUGUST (beginning at 7 PM) and all day
Saturday 22 AUGUST at the Westwood Unitarian Congregation church at
11135 - 65 Avenue (close to the Parkallen community centre). Four
positions remain open.

$225 dollars (GST included); early bird $150 (before 30 June 2009).
The workshop enrollment is limited to twelve participants.

Advance registration required with

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Monday, March 30, 2009



Modern neuroscience is affirming what vocalists and shamans have
known for years: Singing is healthy for you; and specific vocal
styles that play on harmonic overtones stimulate the sense of well-being.

Harmonic overtones are embedded within sacred choral music performed worldwide.

In this workshop, you will hear and learn how Tibetan monks,
Gregorian chanters and Mongolian overtone singers create the powerful
healing and meditative qualities associated with ritual chanting and
overtone harmonics.

A complementary instructional DVD is bundled with the workshop.

Don Hill is a former host of Tapestry on CBC Radio One. His one-hour
television documentary, Chants Encounter profiled harmonic overtone
singers from around the world.

The two-day course has been taught to clinical therapists, hospital
and palliative care workers, musicians and contemplatives of every sort.

"Excellent instructor, a fountain of knowledge," wrote one evaluator.
"Don Hill is top notch!" Course participants have also written, "he
delivers the content clearly and in a stimulating fashion." Overall
the course is "very inspiring."

The workshop will be held on 01 and 02 May at the Westwood Unitarian
Congregation church at 11135 - 65 Avenue (close to the Parkallen
community centre) in Edmonton.

$150 dollars (GST included) advance registration required with

Friday, March 20, 2009

Diane Longboat on Tuesday April 14 7-9pm

Diane Longboat on Tuesday April 14 7-9pm

A clear articulation of what is needed in these times

An inspiring call to conscious evolution, a clear articulation of what is needed in these times.
pass it on...

The Obama Administration has asked the "Evolutionary Leaders" to communicate about what is transpiring on the planet, and how we can change the course of the unprecedented events that are challenging this planet. This is a window of opportunity for this information to be conveyed to the Obama Administration.

The Evolutionary Leaders like Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Michael
Beckwith and many, many others, gathered together to write up the
information to present to the Obama Administration. They are also asking us to sign a petition to show the Administration how many people are in favor for these changes to occur. They need 10,000 signatures. We need your help to reach that number and beyond! Below is the information presented to the New Administration.

The petition link can be found here:

By the Evolutionary Leaders
The human family is in the midst of the most significant transformation of consciousness since its emergence in Africa over one hundred thousand years ago. Consciousness has been evolving for billions of years from the first cell to us. We are becoming aware that through our own consciousness the universe can know itself. This awareness reveals incredible new potential for our individual and collective humanity.

Simultaneously, we are the first species on this Earth aware that we can destroy ourselves by our own action. This may be the greatest wake-up call to the evolution of consciousness since the origin of Homo Sapiens. We now realize that we are affecting our own evolution by everything we do. This knowledge awakens in us the aspiration to become more conscious through subjective practices including meditation, reflection, prayer, intuition, creativity, and conscious choice making that accelerate our evolution in the direction of unity consciousness and inspire us to deeply align our collective vision.

At this juncture in human history, urgent global crises challenge us to learn to live sustainably, in harmony and gratitude with one another and with the living universe. The changes required of humanity are broad, deep, and far reaching. Only by acting swiftly and creatively can we birth a planetary culture that will bring well-being to every form of life in the Earth community. The good news is that a compelling new story of our potential as a whole human species is emerging-a story of collaboration, citizenaction, dialogue and new understandings propelled by unprecedented levels of democratic freedom, multicultural exchange, and access tocommunication technologies. It is nothing less than the story of our
collective evolution.

We recognize that the inner and outer aspects of life evolve together. A dramatic awakening in consciousness will involve an equally dramaticshift in outward aspects of our lives. In particular, we see the following as vital opportunities for our conscious evolution, both personally and collectively:

Cultivating a Paradigm of Aliveness:We regard the universe as deeply alive and conscious by nature. In a living universe, our sense of subtleconnection and participation with life around us is the basis for a compassionate and cooperative approach to living.

Educating for an Evolving Consciousness:Awakening consciousness is the foundation for all the change we seek to see in the world. We can work to elevate our capacity for conscious reflection and creative action in our personal lives as well as our collective lives as communities. We must support research and educational strategies that optimize human capacities and explore the nature of consciousness.

Restoring Ecological Balance:The balance of planetary ecosystems isfundamental to our survival. We must reverse the pollution of our global commons-the water, air and soil that nourish all life. We must encourage the proliferation of clean, renewable energy sources and expend all necessary resources toward mitigating the effects of climate change.

Encouraging Conscious Media:We must find innovative ways to use thenew electronic media as the mirror of our positive evolutionary story,investing in their capacity to reach across differences of generation,culture, religion, wealth, and gender to build a working consensus about our collective future.

Engaging in Social and Political Transformation:More sustainable waysof living will require the support of a more conscious democracy andvibrant civil society from which more enlightened leaders will emerge.All individuals should be encouraged to use their gifts to createparticipatory, responsible and compassionate models of governance.

Working for Integrity in Commerce:Conscious businesses that are awareof the scope, depth, and long-range impacts of their actions are key to achieving sustainability.. Business must become an ethical steward of the Earth's ecology and consciously establish an economic basis for a future of equitably shared abundance.

Promoting Health and Healing:The science of mind-body-spirit healthhas demonstrated the profound connection between the health of a wholeperson and the health of the system in which he or she lives. Wholesystems healing, respecting both traditional knowledge and modernsciences, must be supported in physical, social, and spiritual domains.

Building Global Community:The new story is about all of us who sharethis planet. Together, we can create a culture of peace that eliminates the need for armed conflict, respecting and appreciating the glorious diversity of our human family.

Our group has done its best to articulate possibilities for the evolution of consciousness at this crucial moment in time. Please reflect on this document, feel what resonates in your being and calls forth a response on your part. We invite you to discuss it with others, continuing this global conversation by adding to it the wisdom that is uniquely your own..Together, let us co-create a new narrative of conscious evolution that is a call to individual and collective action, birthing the most significant transformation of consciousness in history. Join in the Call to Conscious Evolution by signing the pledge now.

The petition link can be found here:

Chopra Center , Carlsbad , California , July 26, 2008
Michael Beckwith, Joan Borysenko, Gregg Braden, Rinaldo Brutoco, Thomas Callanan, Deepak Chopra, Mallika Chopra, Dale Colton, Gordon, Dveirin, Duane Elgin, Leslie Elkus, Barbara Fields, Debbie Ford, Ashok Gangadean, Kathleen Gardarian, Tom Gegax, Charles Gibbs, Kathy Hearn, Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Bruce Lipton, Judy Martin, Rod McGrew, Steve McIntosh, Lynne McTaggart, Deborah Moldow, James O'Dea, Carter Phipps, Wendy Craig-Purcell, Carolyn Rangel, Rustum Roy, Peter Russell, Gerard Senehi, Emily Squires, Brian Swimme, Diane Williams, Marianne Williamson, Tom Zender.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Brain that Changes Itself

Explore the revolutionary science of "neuroplasticity" - a concept that expands not just our knowledge of how our brains work, but how we use them.

Also see

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Creativity and Wellness workshop on February 28

Please join us Saturday, February 28 from 10am - noon for the Creativity and Wellness workshop led by Solveiga Miezitis. All are invited to attend.

The Creativity and Wellness workshop will involve self-reflective activities to promote personal growth and wellness. Participants will have a chance to co-create by drawing, mind-mapping, journalling, and sharing stories. The workshop will be interactive and fun!

Solveiga Miezitis is professor Emeritus at OISE. She has taught in the School Psychology Program in Applied Psychology and more recently in Adult Education and Counseling Psychology at OISE, as well as in the Psychology Dept at the University of Latvia. Her main research work is in the area of Prevention of Depression published in Creating Alternatives to Depression in the Schools.Her current interest is in promoting wellness. During the past decade she has conducted longitudinal studies on risk and resiliency factors in first-year student adaptation at the University of Latvia focusing on factors related to Positive Psychology.

The Holistic Educator’s Group meets Saturday mornings from 10 am to 12 noon approximately every two months from September through April. The meetings are open to all who may be interested in holistic teaching and learning and are not exclusively for those who are associated with studies at OISE/UT. We have a number of captivating speakers each year who join us to lead workshop sessions which tend to be interactive, and participatory. Meetings are also an opportunity to network with those who have common interests.

Our meetings are at OISE/UT, 252 Bloor Street West between St. George and Bedford on the north side of the street. There is a notice board in the lobby where the Room Number (5-280) will be posted. The main floor coffee concession is sometimes open on Saturdays or there's a Tim Horton's just east of the building on Bloor. Parking on Saturday under the OISE building is fairly reasonable. Of course TTC is always a good option (St. George Station on the Bloor line). If you are planning to attend, please RSVP.

The information page on the web for the Saturday Group is

Monday, February 9, 2009


Terence McKenna on Shamanism

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wave Meditation Video

Meditation, The Brain, The God-Helmet & Other Matters

"The real cutting edge individuals never are funded because funding is a social decision, not a scientific one," Persinger says without a trace of bitterness. "The minute you refer to a peer group to see if they like it, you're asking for social consensus."

Monday, February 2, 2009


An introduction to shamanism and the shamanic worldview, as well as an opportunity for an experience of shamanic journeying.

79A Harbord St (near Spadina & Harbord) Toronto
7:00pm to 9:00pm

There is no registration or cost for this evening.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Singing is healthy for you... WORKSHOP by DON HILL


Modern neuroscience is affirming what vocalists and shamans have
known for years: Singing is healthy for you; and specific vocal
styles that play on harmonic overtones stimulate the sense of well-being.

Harmonic overtones are embedded within sacred choral music performed worldwide.

In this workshop, you will hear and learn how Tibetan monks,
Gregorian chanters and Mongolian overtone singers create the powerful
healing and meditative qualities associated with ritual chanting and
overtone harmonics.

A complementary instructional DVD is bundled with the workshop.

Don Hill is a former host of Tapestry on CBC Radio One. His one-hour
television documentary, Chants Encounter profiled harmonic overtone
singers from around the world.

The two-day course has been taught to clinical therapists, hospital
and palliative care workers, musicians and contemplatives of every sort.

"Excellent instructor, a fountain of knowledge," wrote one evaluator.
"Don Hill is top notch!" Course participants have also written, "he
delivers the content clearly and in a stimulating fashion." Overall
the course is "very inspiring."

The workshop will be held on 13 and 14 March at the Westwood
Unitarian Congregation church at 11135 - 65 Avenue (close to the
Parkallen community centre) in Edmonton.

$150 dollars (GST included) advance registration required with

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Spiritual Warfare

"consciousness can exist both beyond the body and independent of the body."

A wondrous being called me out of my classroom today.
I said,"I am looking for a shield, ... some protection ...".
The being spoke: "Read Psalm #3, I awaked".
Blessings to the wondrous being who appeared in the hallway at 5pm today and bestowed this teaching upon me.


LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! Many are they that rise up against me.

2 Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah.

3 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

4 I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah.

5 I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.

6 I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about.

7 Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.

8 Salvation belongeth unto the LORD: thy blessing is upon thy people.

the last shaman

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Shaman as: singer, "one who knows", rainbow-bridge


Also the beliefs related to spirits can explain many different phenomena too, [Hoppál 2007c: 18] for example, the importance of storytelling, or acting as a singer, can be understood better if we examine the whole belief system: a person who is able to memorize long texts or songs (and play an instrument) may be regarded as having achieved this ability through contact with the spirits (for example among Khanty people).Hoppál 2005: 99]


Cognitive, semiotic, hermeneutic approaches

As mentioned, a (debated) approach explains the etymology of word “shaman” as meaning “one who knows”. [Hoppál 2005:14] [Diószegi 1962:13] Really, the shaman is a person who is an expert in keeping together the multiple codes through which this complex belief system appears, and has a comprehensive view on it in their mind with certainty of knowledge. [Hoppál 2005:15] The shaman uses (and the audience understands) multiple codes. Shaman express meanings in many ways: verbally, musically, artistically, and in dance. Meanings may be manifested in objects, such as amulets. [Hoppál 2005:14]

The shaman knows the culture of their community well, [Pentikäinen 1995: 270] [Boglár 2001:24] Hoppál 2005:25–26,43] and acts accordingly. Thus, their audience knows the used symbols and meanings — that's why shamanism can be efficient: people in the audience trust it. Such belief system can appear to its members with certainty of "knowledge" — this explains the above described etymology for the word “shaman”.Hoppál 2004:14]

Drum as the rainbow bridge

Drum is used by shamans of several peoples in Siberia; same holds for many Eskimo groups, [Barüske 1969: 24, 50–51] although its usage for shamanistic seances may be lacking among the Inuit of Canada. [Kleivan & Sonne 1985: 25]

The beating of the drum allows the shaman to achieve an altered state of consciousness or to travel on a journey. The drum is for example referred to as, “‘horse’ or ‘rainbow-bridge’ between the physical and spiritual worlds”. [Maxfield, Melinda. "The journey of the drum." ReVision 16.4 (1994): 157.] The journey mentioned is one in which the shaman establishes a connection with one or two of the spirit worlds. With the beating of the drum come neurophysiological effects. Much fascination surround the role that the acoustics of the drum play to the shaman. [,_2-D&C.htm Siberian shamans' drums] are generally constructed of an animal-skin stretched over a bent wooden hoop, with a handle across the hoop.

There are two different worlds, the upper and the lower. In the upper world, images such as “climbing a mountain, tree, cliff, rainbow, or ladder; ascending into the sky on smoke; flying on an animal, carpet, or broom and meeting a teacher or guide”, [Maxfield, Melinda. "The journey of the drum." ReVision 16.4 (1994): 157.] are typically seen. The lower world consists of images including, “entering into the earth through a cave, hollow tree stump, a water hole, a tunnel, or a tube”. [Maxfield, Melinda. "The journey of the drum." ReVision 16.4 (1994): 157.] By being able to interact with a different world at an altered and aware state, the Shaman can then exchange information between the world in which he lives and that in which he has traveled to.

For more information see:

Monday, January 5, 2009

Contribute to SOERCE.

This paragraph comes from George Washington Institute for Spirituality & Health (GWish)

GWish was established in May 2001 as a leading organization on education and clinical issues related to spirituality and health. Under the direction of Founder and Director Christina M. Puchalski, MD, associate professor of Medicine and Health Care Sciences, GWish is changing the face of healthcare through innovative programs for physicians and other members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team, including clergy and chaplains. Dr. Puchalski’s pioneering work has had a major impact on medical education, professional education, and clinical programs locally, nationally, and internationally.

Spirituality: A Clinical Definition
In 1999, the Association of American Medical Colleges Medical School Objectives Report III (pdf) defined Spirituality as follows:

Spirituality is recognized as a factor that contributes to health in many persons. The concept of spirituality is found in all cultures and societies. It is expressed in an individual’s search for ultimate meaning through participation in religion and/or belief in God, family, naturalism, rationalism, humanism and the arts. All these factors can influence how patients and health care professionals perceive health and illness and how they interact with one another.

Our Mission
GWish is working toward a more compassionate system of healthcare by restoring the heart and humanity of medicine through research, education and policy work focused on bringing increased attention to the spiritual needs of patients, families and healthcare professionals.

As a leader of education and/or work in spirituality and health, we are asking for your contribution to SOERCE. Please submit any educational materials related to your coursework or beyond. All submissions are welcome. Your submission will go through a review process and we will let you know if it is acceptable and/or needs any changes. We also ask for any creative ideas you might have about the website design, links you would wish to see, and any other creative ideas you may have.

Please contact Misha Kogan at or Laurie Lyons at Both of us can be reached by telephone at (202) 994-6228.

Thank you for your participation!

Spirituality & Long Life are related

Some observational studies suggest that people who have regular spiritual practices tend to live longer (9). Another study points to a possible mechanism: interleukin (IL)-6. Increased levels of IL-6 are associated with an increased incidence of disease. A research study involving 1700 older adults showed that those who attended church were half as likely to have elevated levels of IL-6 (10). The authors hypothesized that religious commitment may improve stress control by offering better coping mechanisms, richer social support, and the strength of personal values and worldview.

For more information see:

Sunday, January 4, 2009

YOU ARE INVITED January 28, 2009 , 7 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.

“Integrating Spirituality and Health Care”

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 , 7 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.

Auditorium, Bridgepoint Health Center, 14 St. Matthews Road,
Toronto. (Entrance: On Broadview one block north of Gerrard)


7:00 - 7:10 Registration

7:10 - 7:15 Opening Remarks - Jeannette McCullough RN

7:15 - 7:30 Opening Sacred Ritual - John Rossiter-Thornton MD

7:30 - 8:30 Speaker - John Rossiter-Thornton MD,
Psychiatrist and Co--founder of Spirituality in Health-Care Network

Title: Spirituality, Science and Brain Scanning
Dr. Thornton will review the large variety of sources that suggest our
consciousness can exist both beyond the body and independent of the body.
He will pay particular attention to the contributions of Brain scanning
technology to the field of spirituality.

8:30 - 8:35 Announcements - Jeannette McCullough RN

8:35 - 8:50. Break

8:50- 9:30 Group Sharing

9:30 - 9:45 Closing Sacred Ritual - John Rossiter-Thornton MD

SHCN Executive: John Thornton MD, Larry Nusbaum MD and Jeannette McCullough
SHCN Steering Committee: Eli Bay; Heloisa Porto; Maria Rossiter-Thornton RN;
Sharon CassToole PhD; and Brandon Klayman.
PARKING on the street or at hospital at your own cost.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 31, 2009